Дуэт Сон-Трава лаўрэатам гран-пры фестывалю Бардаўская Восень 2016. У дваццаць трэці раз у Бельску-Падляшскім і іншых месцах на Падляшшы прайшло свята бардаўскай ды аўтарскай песні. Адзіны ў свеце такога кшталту фестываль пацвярджае моц сучаснай беларускай музыкі і культуры. Сярод узнагароджаных – такасама моладзь з Падляшша.
На сёлетні конкурс запрасіў я свайго сябру, Матэвуша Сахажэўскага, бельскага актора з Крэатыўнага Цэнтра Культуры. Чалавек бывае на шматлікіх сцэнах таксама ў ролі вядучага канцэрты. – Цікава, я не думаў што ў нашых умовах можна так упрыгожыць сцэну, – сказаў. Пра ўзровень фестывалю можна казаць многа, таксама як пра патрэбу арганізаваць мерапрыемства, якое прэзентуе не зусім модны зараз жанр лірычнага ды аўтарскага выканання песень пад гітару. Адно застаецца для мяне ясным. Барды гэта не толькі адзіны такі фэст, але і на самым высокім узроўні з усіх, якія мне ў Бельску вядомыя. Пачатак дзевяностых гадоў, калі ідэя фестывалю фарміравалася, пазіцыя спевака з гітарай была яшчэ моцнай. У Польшчы з часоў палітычных перамен, пратэст-сонгі Яцка Качмарскага спяваліся амаль усімі. Абшар разваліўшагася Савецкага Саюза напаўнялі тады словы Уладзіміра Высоцкага. Гэтая была музыка, якая не патрабавала віртуознасці, затое была носьбітам істотных слоў. Як ні дзіўна, бардаўскага музыка якраз у Беларусі змагла выжыць да сённяшняга дня. Не па прычыне цівылізацыйнага заняпаду, а звычайна – мовы. Беларушчына, якая афіцыйна побач рускай мовы ў Рэспубліцы Беларусь, канешне, не дамінуе ў мэйнстрыме культуры ў Беларусі. Доўгі час была адной з прыкметаў супраціву да ўлады, мовай на якой гаворыць апазіцыя. Вядомыя беларускамоўныя музыкі дагэтуль забароненыя. Яны, дарэчы, з’яўляюцца выступоўцамі Бардаўскай восені, а сам фэст некаторыя лічаць святам беларускай культуры, якой па палітычных прычынах трэба было з’ехаць з краіны ў дэмакратычнаю Польшчу. Па гэтай прычыне аўтарскія песні, якія гучаць на беларускай мове, маюць дадатковы сэнс.
Бардаўская восень прымеркавана да бардаў, але час не стаіць у месцы. Класічных бардаў, з полымем у голасе, патрыятычным ці лірычным заклікам, восеньскім сумам у лірычным гучанні, зараз сустрэць цяжка. Канкурсанты фестывалю, як і жанры, мяняюцца. Такім чынам у конкурсе было некалькі дуэтаў, музыкі карысталіся электрычнымі гітарамі, некаторыя выступы лічу вельмі арыгінальнымі і незвычайнымі. Мой фаварыт, дуэт Морква-Цвет для прыкладу праспяваў зусім акторскую песню пра звар’яцелага генерала. Трыо Барока (раяль, акордэон ды кантрабас) выступіла з вялікай энергетыкай. Саліст, Андрэй Сянкевіч, выступіў з гітарай, карыстаючыся сучаснай тэхнікай каб даць інструманту іншае гучанне. Прыгадваў мне вядомага альтэрнатыўнага музыку Бэна Говарда. Ён пацвердзіў, што ведае яго і шукае ў яго інспірацыі. Нават Міхал Рубін, настаўнік музыкі з Віцебска, які стаў лаўрэатам прэміі Радыё Рацыя, сваёй крыху шалёнай экспрэсіяй даказваў, што час класічных бардаў ужо мінуў.
Фестываль суправаджалі канцэрты Лявона Вольскага ў Орлі, Сяргея Доўгашава з Алесем Ясінскім у Нарве ды Змітра Вайцюшкевіча сольны –
у Нараўцы. Адмысловыя прэзентацыі заўсёды адбываюцца ў арлянскай бажніцы.
Бывай, Бардаўская! Да наступнай восені.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration required makers of all authorized testosterone products
tto add informatioin on thhe lzbels to clarify the approved uses off the drugs and include information about possible increased risks of hearet attacks annd strokes in patients taqking testosterone.
Thhe take-home message is that the list of potential side effecs of hormone thyerapy iss continuing to grow,” said senior study author Dr.
Paul Nguyen of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.
Women with diminished sex drive have been demonstrated to have
lower free testosterone levels.
Testosterone therapy curbs normal testicular function, and
it is therefore crucial to comprehend shrinkage of the testicles will probanly occur with
long term use in addition to cause infertility for a man of any age Another
common consequence off testosterone therapy containss
changes to red blood cells , and anyy guy undergoing testosterone therapy should
be tracking routinely by a medical provider to assess treatment response
and manage impacts of therapy.
Nevertheless, there are methods to foster ths male hormone naturally and without side effecys with thee aid off some straightforward changes to lifestyle and
your diet.
Testosterone therapy may bee given to treat medical conditions, including female
(but not male) breast cancer hypogonadism (low gonadal function) iin the male,cryptorchism (nondescent of
the testis into the scrotum), and menorrhagia (atypical periods).
Additionally, there are natural and herbal supplements that can help accentuate
the creation of this hormone.
Evaluation off potential candiates for testosterone replacement therapy should include a complete medical history and hormonal screening.
To put it differently, the guys who used testosterone therapy had a 30 percent increased risk of heart attack, strokke or
dying, compared with guys who did not use the hormone,
and thee results held after being adjusted ffor
several other variables that could have influence the outcomes, according to
the study, published today (Nov.
Aging guys can also experience signs and symptoms such as declines in energy level
and problems with sexual function, but it is uncertain whether these are duee to the lowered testosterone levels or due to normal aging.
Testosterrone injections aree generally given by a healthcare
professional inn a clinic or hospital setting.
Adverse effects can occur, although it is essential for
our well-being iin small doses.
First Week – If you’ve never participated in testosterone shots therapy before and are suffering from hypogonadism (clinically
low testosterone), youu should start to experience invaluable changes just three or fouyr days after your first management.
Verify that serum testosterone concentrations have been measured on at least twoo different
mornings and are below the nlrmal range.
While adult men with low testosterone levels, especially because off remkoval of
one or both of the testes as a result of trauma or cancer,
may suffer hair loss, weight gain, lack of libido,
erectile dysfunction, depression, infertility, aching joints and all other typical aging symptoms.
Testosterobe therapy is of little usee to an otherwise healthy guy, and consequently a
man who doesn’t want testosterokne but takes it anyhoww is only subect to possible
danger of treatment.
Testosterone levels in adult men fall at an average rate of 1 to
2 percent per year.
Testosterone replacement therapy has been used in individuals with testosterone
deficiency, whether due to aging orr disease.
There are heaqlth hazards linked with testosterone therapy and thosse
threats could outweigh the advantages of testosterone if you are not careful
about it. And there are many testosterone myths and misconceptions that you
might want to contemplate (as well as side effects) before
you decide to begin testosterone therapy.
FDA-approved testosterone formulations contain solution, gels,
skin patch, intramuscular injection, pellets and a buccal sysem applied
to the upper gum or inner cheek.
Morning erections help determine, in men with ED dilemmas, if their difficulties come from a psyychological hindrance or iif there’s a physiological reason ffor
this mishap.
Zincc supplementation was shown to increase
testosterone level in some guys.
This phenomenoon is commonly seen inn men after the agge of thirty,
as the testicular function slows down with age.
US national regulators sid Fridawy they were inquiring
products after recent studies suggested a higher risk off strokes and heart attacks in men being treated with the hormone featuring testosterone.
Girls begin to experience menopause after a certain age and
there are symptoms including decrease in sexual desire, as well as
night sweats and hot flashes.
Testosterone treatment also thickens your blood, which
places you at risk forr heart attack or stroke.
Mammograms and tracxking of prostate-specific antigen, hematocrit, and lipid levels are recomended for patients
taking testosterone.
They dissolve slowly over a few months, releasing small amounts of testosterone into the blood stream,
but speeding up when needed bby the body – during strenuous activities, for example
– and slowing down during quiet times, a characteristic no other kind of hormone therapy
can offer.
Recent studies have demonstrated tat horrible, age related illnesses like Alzheimer’s, type 2
diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, cardkovascular disease annd the Metabolic Syndrome may
all be effected by testosterone treatment.
It is still uncloear whether the results extend to other residents
of guys — for example, men of the exact same age group who
are taking testosterone for low-T syndrome or for anti-aging
functions, or younger men taking iit for physcal improvement.
The U.S. Food and Druug Administration (FDA) has established
a dietary reference intake for zinc of 11 milligrams per day for men and 8 milligrams per day for women.
Another important study, published last week, even indicated that successful testosterone treatment could reduce men’s risk for cardiovascular events.
If you want to get out of debt, go away the playing cards at house, use cash,
and do not buy things with credit until your funds are back on monitor.
A patient who is unsatisfied with the results received through GH-GH therapy may opt to be treated afterward with HGH
replacement therapy or vice versa.
You should speak to your physician before using any kind of
testosterone supplement since none of the effects
advertised have beenn approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Testosterone is used for women with HIV infection, Turner’s syndrome, premature ovarian failure, or long-term corticosteroid use.
Research has shown tat testosterone deficiency is associated with a
number of important health issues for example metabolic syndrome,
obesity, diabetes, annd bone fractures Men who meet medical criteria for treatment should get therapy.
Some men on T treatment need to take regular blood transfusions to reduce tthe stickiness” of their blood.
Standard amounts of testosterone are essential throughout a man’s life, aas
strange levels i.e. either too high orr too low, can cause side effects
that may disturb normal body’s functionality and development.
Recent studies have shown that horrible, age related illnesses like Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, type
2 diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia and the Metabolic Syndrome may all be effected bby testosterone treatment.
Encourage patients too read patient information leaflet or the patient Medication Guide
they receive wioth their testosterone prescriptions.
The working of Garcinia Cambogia includes a complicated
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Pour de meilleurs résultats, tous les êtres humains sont suggérées à considérer en bonne et due forme comme
30-60 minutes avant la nourriture et non à prendre
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Also, calcium is not added as a dietary supplement, but is a byproduct of the chemical processes
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Additionally, if you want to shed weight and keep it off, then you’ve got
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